Interface HomingProcedureConfig

Configuration options for the runHomingProcedure method. This interface defines the parameters that can be customized for the homing procedure.


  • HomingProcedureConfig


acceleration?: null | number

The acceleration used during the homing procedure (0x609A:00). This value specifies the rate of acceleration applied during the homing process.

method?: null | number

The homing method to be used (0x6098:00). This value specifies the technique employed for homing.

speedDuringSearchForSwitch?: null | number

The speed during the search for the switch (0x6099:01). This value defines how quickly the system will search for the limit switch during the homing process.

speedDuringSearchForZero?: null | number

The speed during the search for the zero position (0x6099:02). This value indicates the speed at which the system searches for the zero reference point.

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