Class MotionMasterReqResClient

This class contains methods for making requests to Motion Master using the injected request/response socket.

Each request message defined in the proto file has a corresponding request method in this class. For some requests, like firmware installation, Motion Master will send progress messages until the firmware installation is complete.

A call to a request method will return an Observable of: (1) the corresponding status message, for example a call to getDeviceInfo will return an instance of MotionMasterMessage.Status.DeviceInfo, (2) request status - one of "succeeded," "failed," or "running.", and (3) request message id.

If the request fails on Motion Master, the function will throw an error. It can also throw an error if the request times out.

Request methods have an optional messageId input parameter. If messageId is not provided, one will be generated before sending the request message to Motion Master. Status messages (responses) received from Motion Master that correspond to the previous request will have the same messageId as the one in the request. This is how we match requests with response messages in full-duplex asynchronous communication (WebSockets, ZeroMQ). Matching request/response by message id is inspired by the JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification.

Almost all request methods have a mandatory requestTimeout input parameter. This parameter specifies how long (in milliseconds) the client will wait for the status (response) messages corresponding to the previous request. If the status message is not received in due time, the request method will throw a timeout error. The error doesn't mean the request has failed on Motion Master, but rather that the client has given up waiting for the response(s). It's possible to stop some ongoing procedures on Motion Master with the corresponding stop messages, for example, StopFullAutoTuning.


How to handle a request method timeout error:

next: (status) => console.log(status),
error: (err: unknown) => {
if (err instanceof TimeoutError) {
alert('Request has timed out');

Request methods for a particular device, like getDeviceParameterInfo, accept the type of request message as the first input parameter as defined in the proto file. For getDeviceParameterInfo, that's MotionMasterMessage.Request.IGetDeviceParameterInfo. This type is extended (via type intersection) by DeviceRefObj. This is done in order to support multiple ways to reference a device. Motion Master only supports device addresses, which it re-generates for each device on power cycle. Because device addresses can change, for scripts and applications, it's preferred to use a device reference that won't change. The device serial number in the hardware description file uniquely identifies the device and doesn't change. This is what each request message is extended with. Before sending the request message to Motion Master, the device address gets resolved and is set on the request message. Besides the device address and device serial number, devices can be referenced by position (sequence number in the network chain).

It is ensured that the Observable returned from a call to the request method will eventually complete, so a call to unsubscribe is not required. The Observable will complete when the request status is either "succeeded" or "failed," or it will complete (error) due to a timeout. Finding out if a request has completed, failed, or is still ongoing is different for each request - it depends on the status messages, see requestStatusResolver. Request methods handle this and for each request, they will emit status messages with one of "succeeded," "failed," or "running" request statuses.

Besides the request methods, this class contains many helper methods such as the ones for getting and setting device parameter values and saving all parameters, which involves complex logic like multiple repeating requests to determine if saving all parameters has completed successfully.


  • MotionMasterReqResClient




abortOsCommand applySetPoint clearDevicesInformation computeAutoTuningGains computeFeedConstant computeFullAutoTuningGains createGetParameterValueObservable createSetParameterValueObservable deleteDeviceFile deleteFile disableMotion disableMotionController download downloadMany enableMotion enableMotionController factoryReset fixProductionScrewUp forceOnDemandParametersUpdate getCachedDeviceByDeviceRefObj getCia402State getCirculoEncoderMagnetDistance getCoggingTorqueData getConfigFileParameters getDecodedFile getDeviceCia402State getDeviceFile getDeviceFileList getDeviceInfo getDeviceLog getDeviceParameterInfo getDeviceParameterValues getDeviceParameters getDevices getEthercatNetworkState getFile getFiles getHardwareDescription getIntegroEncoderFirmwareVersion getIntegroVariant getMultiDeviceParameterValues getParameterValue getParameterValues getSerialNumberByDeviceAddress getStackInfo getSystemLog getSystemLogLines getSystemVersion getUIFeaturesConfig hasFirmware installIntegroEncoderFirmware isIntegroWithMultiturnEncoder loadConfig matchCia402States matchParameterValue pingSystem quickStop readOsCommandResponse reloadFirmware resetDeviceFault resetFault resetKublerEncoderMultiturnPosition resetTargets resolveDevice resolveDeviceAddress resolveDeviceParameterInfoMap resolveDeviceParameterTypeValueKey resolveGetDeviceParameterValueArguments resolveGetParameterValuesIds resolveSetDeviceParameterValueArguments restoreDefaultParameters runCommutationOffsetMeasurementOsCommand runEncoderRegisterCommunicationOsCommand runHrdStreamingOsCommand runIcMuCalibrationModeOsCommand runIgnoreBissStatusOsCommand runKublerEncoderCommandOsCommand runKublerEncoderRegisterCommunicationOsCommand runMotorPhaseOrderDetectionOsCommand runOpenLoopFieldModeOsCommand runOpenPhaseDetectionOsCommand runOsCommand runOsCommandAndReadFsBuffer runOsCommandAndWriteFsBuffer runPhaseInductanceMeasurementOsCommand runPhaseResistanceMeasurement runPhaseResistanceMeasurementOsCommand runPolePairDetectionOsCommand runResetCirculoEncoderPositionOsCommand runSkippedCyclesCounterOsCommand runSmmAcyclicHandlerOsCommand runSystemIdentificationOsCommand runTorqueConstantMeasurementOsCommand runTriggerErrorOsCommand runUseInternalEncoderVelocityOsCommand saveConfig sendRequest setControlwordToStartHoming setDeviceCia402State setDeviceFile setDeviceParameterValues setEthercatNetworkState setFile setHaltBit setModesOfOperation setMotionControllerParameters setMotionTarget setMultiDeviceParameterValues setOsCommandMode setParameterValue setParameterValues setSignalGeneratorParameters setSystemClientTimeout startCirculoEncoderConfiguration startCirculoEncoderNarrowAngleCalibrationProcedure startCoggingTorqueRecording startDeviceFirmwareInstallation startDeviceSiiRestore startFullAutoTuning startMonitoringDeviceParameterValues startNarrowAngleCalibration startOffsetDetection startOpenLoopFieldControl startOsCommand startPlantIdentification startSignalGenerator startSystemIdentification stopCirculoEncoderNarrowAngleCalibrationProcedure stopDevice stopFullAutoTuning stopMonitoringDeviceParameterValues stopSignalGenerator storeParameters transitionToCia402State unlockProtectedFiles upload uploadMany



deviceMap: Map<string, Device> = ...

Maps a device serial number to a device.


new Map([
["8502-03-0001353-2115", { deviceAddress: 2045285448, ... }]

When making requests related to a device, the device address is used as an identifier. The device address is not permanent. The number is regenerated by Motion Master when devices are power-cycled. For scripts and applications using this library, having a permanent device identifier is a better option. The device serial number read from the hardware description file (.hardware_description) stored on a device is a permanent identifier.

This map helps in making all request methods related to a device accept a device reference instead of just a device address as an identifier. The device reference DeviceRefObj can be one of the following: device address, device serial number, or device position. Before sending a request message to Motion Master, the device address is resolved from the device reference, and this map is used for that.

deviceParameterInfoMap: Map<number, Map<string, DeviceParameterInfo>> = ...

Maps a device address to a map of parameter ID to a type value key.


new Map([
[2045285448, new Map([
["0x1018:02", {
id: '0x1018:02',
index: 4120,
subindex: 2,
name: 'Product Code',
unit: '',
group: 'Identity object',
readAccess: true,
writeAccess: false,
min: undefined,
max: undefined,
valueType: 7, // UNSIGNED32
typeValueKey: "uintValue"

When setting a parameter value, only one of int, uint, float, string, or raw type value fields must be set. This is defined in the proto file SetDeviceParameterValues request message.

Device parameters have a richer set of base types defined in ESI, and they are provided by the DeviceParameterInfo status message. When device parameter info is fetched, this map gets updated by mapping device parameter types to "oneof" proto types, e.g., INTEGER32 -> intValue.

This map helps in simplifying the API by allowing users to set parameter values without specifying the type value field. One can simply call setParameterValue(2045285448, 0x2004, 0x03, 2500), and the correct type value field on the proto message will be set, uintValue in this example.


  • Apply set point.

    When running in position profile mode and setting a new position target value, it's important to note that the device won't immediately move to the new position. To execute a new position set-point or target value, you need to make certain changes to the controlword.

    To indicate that the new set-point is valid and should be executed, you need to trigger a rising edge of the new set-point bit in the controlword. This rising edge serves as a signal to the device that a new set-point is being provided.

    Once the device receives the rising edge of the new set-point bit, it will set the set-point acknowledge bit in the statusword to 1. This indicates that the device has acknowledged the new set-point and will execute the corresponding action, such as moving to the specified position.

    Afterwards, the device will signal its ability to accept new set-points by setting the set-point acknowledge bit back to 0 in the statusword. This signifies that the device is ready to receive and process additional set-points.

    It's important to note that the device won't wait for the previous set-point to finish before executing a new set-point. If you want to initiate a new set-point while the previous one is still being executed, you need to generate another rising edge of the new set-point bit in the controlword.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Clears the state of an instance of this class.

    This method is typically called when Motion Master is deinitializing or the socket is closing. Both maps are implicitly populated when a device or parameter type value key gets resolved.

    Returns void

  • Compute auto-tuning gains.

    Auto-tuning gains can be computed for the position or the velocity controller.

    The prerequisites for running this procedure are a configured motor and the existence of the plant_model.csv file created by previously running the system identification startSystemIdentification. Motion Master will return an error if the plant_model.csv file is not found.

    In OBLAC Drives, this request is called when the tuning sliders (damping ratio, bandwidth) are moved and during the CTC recording startCoggingTorqueRecording when auto-config is not skipped.

    Motion Master will compute the PID gains using a proprietary algorithm and update the Kp, Ki, Kd values of the 0x2011 and 0x2012 parameters.


    Returns Observable<AutoTuningStatus>

  • Delete device file.

    Motion Master uses Filetransfer over EtherCAT (FoE) to delete files from the device flash memory.

    If the file to delete is written in parts, Motion Master will ensure that all parts are deleted. It does this by reading the list of files on a device, see getDeviceFileList, removing all parts from that list, and then re-reading the list again to ensure that there are no leftovers if there were more than 32 files in the list. If there are still more than 32 files in the list, Motion Master will blindly try to make sure there are no file parts left in the memory (may or may not work).


    Returns Observable<DeviceFileStatus>

  • Performs a factory reset by deleting all files except those specified in the filesToKeep argument.

    Optionally installs an empty firmware after the file removal.

    If empty firmware is not installed:

    • The currently installed firmware can optionally be reloaded.
    • The file SOMANET_CiA_402.xml and its parts will not be removed.

    To retain multipart files (e.g.,, include only the base name (e.g., "SOMANET_CiA_402.xml") in the filesToKeep list.


    • deviceRef: DeviceRef
    • filesToKeep: string[] = factoryResetDefaultFilesToKeep
    • installEmptyFirmware: boolean = true
    • reloadFirmware: boolean = false

    Returns Observable<RequestStatusMessage>

  • The firmware distinguishes between two types of parameters (configuration objects):

    • Live objects: Parameters read by the firmware during each loop, regardless of the CiA402 state of the device.
    • On-demand objects: Parameters read by the firmware only when one of the following conditions is met:
      • Communication with the master has just been established.
      • Configuration has just been loaded from config.csv, .assembly_config, or .factory_config files.
      • A transition in the CiA402 state machine from "Switch On Disabled" to "Ready to Switch On" occurs.
      • The Fault Reset bit of the Controlword rises (only when the device is in a Fault State).

    This function will reset the fault if the device is in a fault state; otherwise, it will transition the CiA402 state from the current state to "Switch On Disabled," and then to "Ready to Switch On." This process ensures that the values of the on-demand parameters, which do not apply immediately, are correctly applied.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Reads the contents of configuration CSV files in the specified order and returns a list of unique configuration parameters. If the files are provided in the order: '.factory_config', 'config.csv', '.assembly_config', this function mimics the firmware's behavior during "Restore All Default Parameters," retaining only the most recent value of any duplicated parameter.

    If config files do not exist or cannot be parsed, the function will continue executing for any files that can be processed.


    • deviceRef: DeviceRef
    • filenames: string[] = ...

    Returns Observable<ConfigParameter[]>

  • Get decoded file content.

    Content of a device file is returned as a binary data buffer. This functions tries to decode the content as a text in utf-8 character encoding.


    • deviceRef: DeviceRef
    • name: string
    • requestTimeout: number = 10000
    • Optional messageId: string

    Returns Observable<string>

  • Get device file.

    Motion Master uses Filetransfer over EtherCAT (FoE) to read and send back the content of a file from the device flash memory.

    The IgH EtherCAT Master library used by Motion Master limits the file read buffer to 9KB, so any file written to flash that is larger than 9KB needs to be split into parts of max 9KB. Motion Master does this automatically on request to setDeviceFile.

    Upon receiving this request, Motion Master will first read the list of files on a device, see getDeviceFileList. It does that in order to determine if the requested file, for example, "SOMANET_CiA_402.xml," has been stored in multiple parts. The parts are named like "," "," and so on. Motion Master will read all parts of the requested file, unzip it, and send the content back to a client. Since the number of items in the list of files is limited to 32 (based on the firmware version), Motion Master might not see the file, but in any case, it will try to read the content of it. If the file exists, it will return its content; otherwise, it will return the file not found error.

    Zipped files will be automatically unzipped, and their content returned; for example, "" can be stored in one or multiple files depending on the size. No matter how it's stored, it will be unzipped, and its content returned as text (SVG) instead of zipped content (binary).

    In BOOT EtherCAT state, it's only allowed to read the .hardware_description file. This was done because the bootloader firmware would hang when trying to read a corrupted or missing file.

    If the requested file content is empty, Motion Master will return a not found error. This is subject to change now that Motion Master reads the file error codes.


    Returns Observable<DeviceFileStatus>

  • Get device file list.

    Motion Master will use Filetransfer over EtherCAT (FoE) to obtain the list of files from a device. There isn't an actual command for getting the list, but rather the content of a specially named file "fs-getlist" is the file list. The list can be read like any other file from a device using the IgH EtherCAT Master for Linux CLI program:

    $ ethercat foe_read fs-getlist

    At the time of writing this document, "fs-getlist" can return a maximum of 32 files (subject to change) in the list. This is a firmware limitation. However, more than 32 files can be stored on the device flash memory, but they won't appear in the list. Also, note that FoE can behave differently in the bootstrap firmware, which runs in the BOOT EtherCAT state, and SOMANET firmware, which runs in other EtherCAT states like PREOP/OP. Bootstrap tends to be buggier since it cannot be updated easily, so Motion Master has certain workarounds to overcome these FoE differences and bugs.


    Returns Observable<DeviceFileListStatus>

  • Get device info.

    Device info includes a list of devices on the network. Each device has a type, position in the network, and a device address. At the time of writing, the device alias is not yet supported.

    Motion Master will assign a unique device address to each device in the list. The device address is what the client libraries use to make requests like getDeviceParameter for a particular device. The device address is only valid for the duration of the session, that is, until Motion Master re-initializes the devices, for example, when devices are power cycled or the Motion Master process is restarted.


    • requestTimeout: number
    • Optional messageId: string

    Returns Observable<DeviceInfoStatus>

  • Get device parameter info.

    Device parameter info includes a list of all parameters for the requested device, but without the parameter values. Getting device parameter values can take more than 20ms per parameter using the IgH EtherCAT Master library. Not all clients require all the parameter values at once, like OBLAC Drives, so this method is useful for getting the list of available parameters and then separately obtaining the values of some required parameters.

    The returned list of device parameters will include some basic data for each parameter: index, subindex, name, unit, group (ARRAY or RECORD name for subitems), read and write access, min and max, and value type. Min and max values are not yet fully supported - they contain the min/max values for the used base type. The same info and more can be read from the "SOMANET_CiA_402.xml" file, but getting info from the ESI file is more complicated. It requires an XML parsing library and knowing how to read objects info from a dictionary and assigned modules.


    Returns Observable<DeviceParameterInfoStatus>

  • Get the device serial number by device address.

    This function does not make any requests; instead, it utilizes the previously mapped device serial number to an instance of a device.


    • deviceAddress: number

    Returns undefined | string

  • Get system log.

    The system log represents the collected standard output from the Motion Master process.

    This request will return the entire system log, which can be a maximum of approximately 2MB.

    The log level can be set as an environmental variable when the Motion Master process is started. The log level can be selected in the OBLAC Drives Update Service expert mode before installing a release. The supported log levels are:

    • 6: Request content
    • 5: Request type
    • 4: Parameter value
    • 3: Monitoring
    • 2: Verbose 2
    • 1: Verbose 1
    • 0: Info
    • 1: Warnings
    • 2: Errors
    • 3: Fatal errors


    • requestTimeout: number
    • Optional messageId: string

    Returns Observable<SystemLogStatus>

  • Match parameter value.

    This function will retrieve a parameter value from a device and compare it with the expected value.


    Error if the values do not match.


    • deviceRef: DeviceRef
    • index: number
    • subindex: number
    • expectedValue: number

    Returns Observable<void>

  • Executes a quick stop on the specified device.

    A quick stop can only be initiated from the OPERATION_ENABLED state of the CiA402 state machine, transitioning to QUICK_STOP_ACTIVE.

    In CYCLIC_SYNC_TORQUE_MODE or TORQUE_PROFILE_MODE, the target torque and torque offset are set to 0 to prevent movement after the quick stop, as requested by the firmware team.



    Resolves when the quick stop operation is complete.


    • deviceRef: DeviceRef

      Reference to the device on which the quick stop will be performed.

    • Optional force: boolean = false

      Indicates whether to force the quick stop even if the device is not in the OPERATION_ENABLED CiA402 state.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Reset device fault.

    When an error occurs on a device, the device will go into the Fault reaction active state (transition 13) and then automatically to the Fault state (transition 14). The CiA402 state of a device can be derived from the value of the Statusword object (0x6041:00). In order to exit the Fault state and enter the Switch on disabled state (transition 15), the master must send a Fault reset command via the Controlword object (0x6040:00).

    When this request is sent to Motion Master, it will attempt to reset the fault. Resetting the fault can either succeed or fail. While resetting the fault, Motion Master will use the current Controlword value and set the Reset fault bit to 1. However, upon completion, whether successful or encountering an error, Motion Master will set it back to 0.

    Motion Master will return a "No Fault" warning when this request is sent, and the device is not in the Fault or Fault reaction active state. If this request is sent when the device is in the Fault reaction active state, Motion Master will wait for the automatic transition (14) to the Fault state before attempting to reset the fault. When Motion Master sets the Controlword Fault bit to 1, it will also periodically check if the device is no longer in the Fault state. After a few seconds, if the device is still in the Fault state, Motion Master will give up and return a timeout error.


    Returns Observable<DeviceFaultResetStatus>

  • Executes a reset fault on the specified device.

    Resetting a fault can only be done from the FAULT CiA402 state by transitioning to SWITCH_ON_DISABLED. This function will do the rising edge, that is it will first set the controlword reset fault bit to 0, wait a bit, and then set it to 1. If the reset is successful, the fault reset bit will be set back to 0.


    Resolves when the reset fault operation is complete.


    • deviceRef: DeviceRef

      Reference to the device for which the fault will be reset.

    • Optional force: boolean = false

      Indicates whether to force the fault reset even if the device is not in the FAULT CiA402 state.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Resolve a device.

    Resolves the device object by its reference, which can be a position, serial number, or device address.

    This function will make requests to retrieve the list of devices and the .hardware_description file for each device, but only if it has not been previously retrieved for this session.


    errors if the device reference is invalid


    Returns Observable<Device>

  • Parameters

    • deviceRefObj: DeviceRefObj
    • index: number
    • subindex: number
    • Optional typeValueKey: "intValue" | "uintValue" | "floatValue" | "stringValue" | "rawValue"

    Returns Observable<"intValue" | "uintValue" | "floatValue" | "stringValue" | "rawValue">

  • Parameters

    • a: string | number
    • Optional b: number | boolean
    • Optional c: number
    • Optional d: string | number | boolean
    • Optional e: number
    • Optional f: string

    Returns {
        deviceRefObj: DeviceRefObj;
        index: number;
        loadFromCache: boolean;
        messageId: undefined | string;
        requestTimeout: number;
        subindex: number;

    • deviceRefObj: DeviceRefObj
    • index: number
    • loadFromCache: boolean
    • messageId: undefined | string
    • requestTimeout: number
    • subindex: number
  • Resolve set device parameter value arguments.


    • a: string | number
    • b: ParameterValueType
    • Optional c: number | "intValue" | "uintValue" | "floatValue" | "stringValue" | "rawValue"
    • Optional d: ParameterValueType
    • Optional e: "intValue" | "uintValue" | "floatValue" | "stringValue" | "rawValue"
    • Optional f: number
    • Optional g: string

    Returns {
        deviceRefObj: DeviceRefObj;
        index: number;
        messageId: undefined | string;
        requestTimeout: number;
        subindex: number;
        value: ParameterValueType;
        valueTypeKey: undefined | "intValue" | "uintValue" | "floatValue" | "stringValue" | "rawValue";

    • deviceRefObj: DeviceRefObj
    • index: number
    • messageId: undefined | string
    • requestTimeout: number
    • subindex: number
    • value: ParameterValueType
    • valueTypeKey: undefined | "intValue" | "uintValue" | "floatValue" | "stringValue" | "rawValue"
  • Restore default parameters.

    Sends a command to the device to restore all default parameters (0x1011:01) or manufacturer default parameters (0x1011:04). After setting the value to 0x64616f6c, the function briefly waits and checks if 0x1011:01 updates to 1, confirming the restoration process has completed successfully. This check will retry a few times and will fail if the value doesn't revert to 1.

    For 0x1011:01, the configuration is loaded in the following order: first from the .factory_config file, then from the config.csv file, and finally from the .assembly_config file, with values in the latter files overriding earlier ones.

    For 0x1011:04, the configuration is loaded from the .factory_config file, followed by the .assembly_config file, with values in the latter overriding those in the former.

    Restoring default parameters will only override those stored in .factory_config, config.csv, and .assembly_config. All other parameters, such as target values and PDO mappings, will remain unchanged.


    Error if the device does not revert the value to 1 after the specified number of retries.

    For more information, refer to the documentation:


    Returns Observable<void>

  • Run OS command.

    The OS command is a standard way of triggering actions or services that cannot be accommodated through a single SDO upload/download.

    The Dictionary object 0x1023 is used for executing OS commands. The following is the subindex list and their meanings:

    • 1: Command (OCTET_STRING), 8 bytes
      • Byte 0: OS command ID, OS commands are identified by number, and here we specify which OS command to run, for example, 0 is encoder register communication
      • Byte 1-7: Service request data, the remaining 7 bytes serve as arguments to the OS command, specifying details such as what register to read the value from
    • 2: Status (UNSIGNED8), 1 byte
      • 0: last command completed, no errors, no response data
      • 1: last command completed, no errors, response data available
      • 2: last command completed, error, no response data
      • 3: last command completed, error, response data available
      • 100-200: command executing with percentage (100 = 0%, 200 = 100%)
      • 255: command executing (if percentage display is not supported)
    • 3: Response (OCTET_STRING), 8 bytes
      • Byte 0: Same as subindex 2
      • Byte 1: unused
      • Byte 2-7: Service response data, if the last command completed with response data, it will be available in these 6 bytes, for example, the value of the BiSS register

    Note that:

    • As soon as the value of 1: Command Byte 0 changes, the OS command will start to execute.
    • If the last command completed with response data, it will be available in bytes 2-7 of 3: Response subindex.
    • The value of subindex 2: Status will be the same as that of 3: Response Byte 0.

    All possible cases of 0x1023:03 Response subindex:

    Description Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
    Command in progress with percentage 100-200 - - - - - - -
    Command in progress without percentage 255 - - - - - - -
    Command completed without errors and without response 0 - - - - - - -
    Command completed without errors and with response 1 - Data Data Data Data Data Data
    Command completed with error and without response 2 - - - - - - -
    Command completed with error and with response 3 - OS error code Data Data Data Data Data

    Note that in the case of "Command completed without errors and with response," 6 bytes can be used for data. However, only 5 bytes are available in the case of "Command completed with error and with response." This limitation arises because Byte 2 in the latter response is allocated for the OS error code. The OS error code serves to indicate the reason behind the error occurrence.

    0x1023: OS command is used in combination with 0x1024: OS command mode object. In our firmware, only the values 0 and 3 from the 0x1024 command mode object (USINT) are handled, and their meanings are as follows:

    • 0: Execute the next command immediately (default)
    • 3: Abort the current command and all commands in the buffer

    Note that if you abort the OS command, you must switch the value of 0x1024 back to 0 before executing another OS command.


    An observable of type T, which extends OsCommandResponse, representing the result of the command execution.

    Type Parameters


    • deviceRef: DeviceRef

      The reference to the device on which the command will be executed.

    • command: Uint8Array

      The command to be executed, represented as a Uint8Array.

    • commandTimeout: number

      The maximum time allowed for the command to complete.

    • responsePollingInterval: number = 1000

      The interval (in milliseconds) for polling the command response. Defaults to 1000ms.

    • osCommandMode: boolean | OsCommandMode = false

      Specifies whether the next OS command should run immediately after the current one or abort the current command. Sets the OS Command Mode. Defaults to false.

    • Optional fsBufferContent: true | Uint8Array

      If true, the content of the fs-buffer will be read and assigned to the fsBuffer property of OsCommandResponse. If a Uint8Array is provided, the content will be written to the fs-buffer file. If undefined, only the OS command will be executed, and its response will be read and parsed.

    Returns Observable<T>

  • Prepares the homing procedure by updating the controlword on the specified device.

    This function performs the following actions:

    1. Clears the halt bit (bit 8) by setting it to 0.
    2. Resets the homing bit (bit 4) by setting it to 0.
    3. Sends the updated controlword to the device.
    4. Triggers the rising edge of the homing bit (bit 4) by setting it to 1.
    5. Sends the controlword to the device again to confirm the rising edge.


    An observable that completes when the controlword has been successfully updated.


    • deviceRef: DeviceRef

      Reference to the device for which the controlword will be updated.

    • Optional clearHaltBit: boolean = true

      Indicates whether to clear the halt bit before configuring the homing procedure.

    Returns Observable<void>

  • Set device file.

    Motion Master uses Filetransfer over EtherCAT (FoE) to write files to the device flash memory.

    The IgH EtherCAT Master library used by Motion Master limits the file read buffer to 9KB, so any file written to flash that is larger than 9KB needs to be split into parts of max 9KB. Motion Master does this automatically by first zipping the content and then writing the parts. The parts are named in the following manner: "," "," and so on.


    Returns Observable<DeviceFileStatus>

  • Set halt bit.

    The behavior of the halt function (bit 8) in the controlword depends on the specific operation mode of the device. When the halt bit is set to 1, the commanded motion will be interrupted, and the behavior of the device will follow the defined rules for the halt option code.

    After releasing the halt function by setting the halt bit to 0, the drive device will attempt to continue the commanded motion if possible, based on the specific operation mode and the conditions of the system.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Start Circulo encoder configuration.

    The preconditions for this procedure are to have a Circulo device with internal encoders and firmware >=v5.

    This procedure will set various internal encoder registers based on the hardware description, Circulo device type, and the encoder ordinal.

    Before updating the registers, Motion Master will send an OS command to ignore the BiSS status bits. Once the procedure is done, the value of this register will be reverted.

    Depending on the setup, this procedure can take up to 30 seconds.

    This procedure can fail if it's already running, if it's not supported because of the firmware version, or if the hardware description file is missing.

    While this procedure runs, Motion Master will report its progress.


    Returns Observable<CirculoEncoderConfigurationStatus>

  • Start the Circulo encoder narrow-angle calibration procedure.

    This feature is only available on firmwares >=v5.

    Before starting the procedure, Motion Master will check and return an error if:

    • the firmware version is not >=v5
    • software position limits are set so that the required motor rotation is not possible
    • for SMM devices, the encoder source type is not set to None
    • the velocity resolution determined by the gear ratio, SI unit velocity, and feed constant is not high enough

    Before starting the procedure, Motion Master will do the following:

    • send OS command 14 (Ignore BiSS status bits) so that no firmware warnings or errors are raised during the procedure.
    • set certain encoder registers to their default values.
    • set the BiSS encoder to raw mode.
    • change the values of some device parameters: profile acceleration, deceleration, max motor speed, etc.

    The parameter values Motion Master sets depend on the type of the device (fetched from the hardware description file). Once the operation has completed, Motion Master will roll back all of the above parameters to their initial values.


    • The procedure is run in velocity profile mode of operation.
    • The procedure will do multiple iterations until the encoder data is satisfactory.
    • The procedure can fail for various reasons: data out of range, motor too slow, bad data, internal error, etc.
    • The procedure will run a maximum of 13 calibration iterations, up to 2 mins in total.
    • One iteration turns the motor in one direction, and then the next one reverses the direction.
    • Each iteration will record encoder data into HRD files (4kHz) that contain the raw data from the specified encoder.
    • Motion Master will remove previous high-resolution data (HRD) files after each iteration. HRD streaming is configured/started using OS commands.
    • After each iteration, which lasts ~6 seconds, the recorded data in HRD files is read and passed to the iC House library.
    • The recorded data is sliced into 32-bit pairs of values of master and nonius track data. Motion Master creates two arrays out of this data and passes that to the iC House library which computes the new calibration parameters depending on encoder type sine and cosine offset, gain, etc.
    • The iterations are being repeated until the encoder (raw) data satisfies a certain threshold.

    The result of a successful calibration is setting multiple parameters into registers of the specified encoder.

    At the end of the procedure Motion Master will rotate the motor back to the starting position and run commutation offset detection. There will also be a final iteration that only measures the values of a (now) calibrated encoder for display.

    This request will turn the motor.


    Returns Observable<CirculoEncoderNarrowAngleCalibrationProcedureStatus>

  • Start cogging torque recording.

    Cogging torque compensation (CTC) recording can be initiated with or without auto-config. In the proto file, skipping the auto-config is currently named skip_auto_tuning. The field name is deprecated and will be renamed.

    If CTC recording is started without auto-config, users must ensure that the encoder on the motor shaft is used for all functions: commutation, position, and velocity. If this is not the case, Motion Master will return an invalid encoder configuration error. Recording can also fail if the position controller is not tuned.

    If CTC recording is started with auto-config, Motion Master will:

    • Change the encoder configuration to have all encoder functions on the motor shaft.
    • Disable CTC.
    • Change the velocity feed forward value.
    • Change the position and velocity filter types and cutoff frequencies.
    • Run iterative sharpening position controller auto-tuning to compute the optimal PID values (gains) for CTC recording.

    All parameter values that Motion Master changes as part of the auto-config are first stored in memory and once the CTC recording is done, they are reverted back.

    CTC recording is initiated by changing the Modes of operation (0x6060) parameter value to -1 (Cogging compensation recording mode). During the operation, Motion Master will monitor the Cogging torque compensation state parameter (0x2008:01) to know when the recording is in progress and when it's done.

    The result of CTC recording is the cogging_torque.bin file written to the device flash memory. The size of this file is 2048 bytes. Each pair of bytes represents a 16-bit signed integer value in mNm (millinewton-meter).

    This request will turn the motor.


    Returns Observable<CoggingTorqueRecordingStatus>

  • Start device firmware installation.

    When Motion Master receives this request for a device, it will perform the following steps:

    • Switch the device to the BOOT EtherCAT state; the device will then run the bootloader instead of the firmware.
    • Validate the firmware package.
    • Delete files found in the package from the device flash memory (SOMANET_CiA_402.xml and stack_image.svg).
    • Write files other than the firmware binaries and SII from the package to the device (SOMANET_CiA_402.xml and stack_image.svg).
    • (Optional) Install the SII file using the IgH EtherCAT Master library write SII function, or SOEM EEPROM tool.
    • Write the firmware binaries to the device using predefined names like app_firmware.bin and com_firmware.bin.

    During the firmware installation, Motion Master will send progress messages back to clients. If Motion Master encounters a failure in any step other than SII write, it will send an error. If SII write fails, only a warning will be sent.


    Returns Observable<DeviceFirmwareInstallationStatus>

  • Start device SII restore.

    This request uses the EEPROM tool from SOEM to overwrite the SII portion of the EEPROM on a device.

    Motion Master will verify the provided SII file before writing it to EEPROM. It will:

    • Check the file content length,
    • Compute CRC from a part of the SII file content and compare it to the CRC inside the file,
    • Check the SII category types in the category header.

    Unlike IgH EtherCAT Master, which identifies interfaces by MAC address, the SOEM tool requires an adapter name. Before calling the SOEM tool, Motion Master will find the adapter name by looking into /sys/class/net.

    The SOEM tool binary is delivered as a part of the Motion Master Docker image.


    Returns Observable<DeviceSiiRestoreStatus>

  • Start full auto-tuning.

    The preconditions for running the full auto-tuning are a properly configured motor, brake, and encoders, and having executed the offset detection and the system identification procedures.

    In order to successfully run the full auto-tuning procedure, the motor must not rotate, and the device must not be in CiA402 Operation enabled.

    Motion Master will try to read the plant_model.csv file, and if it doesn't exist, it will return an error.

    Before the operation starts, Motion Master will measure the actual velocity for 500ms at a standstill to determine the encoder noise. The noise is then sent, along with some other parameters (velocity feedback filter, feed forward, DC link voltage, firmware version, and similar) and data to a proprietary computation algorithm. ADC current ratio, which is used in the computation script, is determined by the firmware version and the device hardware ID (e.g., 9500, 9501, 8501...).

    Full auto-tuning will compute the PID gains, and Motion Master will update the parameter values in the velocity or position controller, depending on the request.

    Motion Master will return the damping ratio, settling time, and bandwidth values when the procedure completes. UI will use these values to update the sliders in the Tuning screen.

    This procedure can be stopped with stopFullAutoTuning.


    Returns Observable<FullAutoTuningStatus>

  • Start monitoring device parameter values.

    When monitoring is started, Motion Master will begin and continue reading values from the device and send them back to a client at the specified interval on the given topic.

    The request is made through the req/res socket MotionMasterReqResSocket, but the status messages will arrive on the pub/sub socket MotionMasterPubSubSocket.

    The same monitoring can read both PDO and SDO values. PDO values will be updated on every Motion Master cycle (1ms). How fast SDO values will update depends on the number of SDOs being monitored. Motion Master reads the SDO values in a sequence, so, for example, if there are 10 SDOs and it takes 20ms to read a single SDO, it will take approximately 200ms for each SDO to get updated. IgH EtherCAT Master supports non-blocking SDO reading with a request to read and check the state of the request (one of not used, busy, failed, succeeded). A future version of Motion Master will likely leverage this and update SDO values out of order as each of the requests to update SDO succeeds. This should decrease the time it takes to read multiple SDOs. If a parameter is required to be updated more frequently, it should be mapped as a PDO.

    Firmware versions >=5.2 support SDO complete access, but it is currently not being supported in Motion Master. With SDO complete access, RECORD and ARRAY subitems can be read with a single request.

    The interval is given in microseconds.

    The topic should be unique. The previous monitoring will stop if the given topic is reused. Clients can easily stop one another's monitoring by using the same topic. Prefixing topics with the client id or some other unique identifier is suggested.

    When the monitoring request is received, Motion Master will mark all requested parameters as stale. The first time a parameter gets refreshed from a device, it'll be marked as not stale. Motion Master won't start publishing parameter values until all parameters are marked as not stale. This was done to satisfy the firmware test client applications.

    Stopping the ongoing monitoring is done through the req/res socket using the request message ID of the initial start monitoring message stopMonitoringDeviceParameterValues.


    Returns Observable<MonitoringParameterValuesStatus>

  • Start offset detection.

    Running offset detection differs for firmwares =v5.

    For devices running firmware >=v5, Motion Master will execute multiple OS commands. Before initiating any command, the device is switched to Modes of operation -2 (Diagnostics mode), and it's put into the operation-enabled CiA402 state. The OS commands are then executed in the following order:

    • Open phase detection
    • Phase resistance measurement
    • Phase inductance measurement
    • Pole pair detection
    • Motor phase order detection
    • Commutation offset measurement

    Motion Master will return an error if any of the following OS commands fail: open phase detection, phase order detection, commutation offset measurement. If other OS commands fail, Motion Master will continue with the procedure and only return a warning.

    Once the commutation offset measurement command completes, it will update the following parameter values:

    • 0x2001:00 Commutation angle offset to the computed offset value
    • 0x2009:01 Commutation offset State to 2 (OFFSET_VALID)
    • 0x2003:05 Motor phases inverted will be changed by the firmware

    For devices running firmware <5, the same Modes of operation -2 is used, but it's named Commutation offset detection mode, and it will run as a single procedure as soon as the device is switched to CiA402 operation-enabled state. The end result is the same; the procedure will update 0x2001:00 and 0x2009:01 parameter values.

    This request will turn the motor.


    Returns Observable<OffsetDetectionStatus>

  • Start open-loop field control.

    The precondition for running the open-loop field control is to have a configured motor. No encoder configuration or offset detection is required.

    Open-loop field control is started by changing the Modes of operation (0x6060) parameter value to -3 (Open-loop field mode) and setting the CiA402 state to Ready to switch on. After that, Motion Master will run several OS commands that configure the open-loop field control parameters:

    • Start angle [milliradian]
    • End angle [milliradian]
    • Max rotational speed [radian/s]
    • Rotational acceleration [radian/s^2]
    • Start length [permille of rated torque]
    • End length [permille of rated torque]
    • Length speed [permille of rated torque]

    After the configuration, Motion Master will switch the device to Operation enabled CiA402 state, and the profile will start.

    While the open-loop field control is running, Motion Master will monitor the target reached bit in the statusword. When the target reached bit becomes 1, Motion Master will stop the procedure by changing the CiA402 state to Switched on.

    Motion Master will return an error if the device goes out of the Operation enabled state before the target reached bit becomes 1. There is no timeout on the Motion Master side.

    This request will turn the motor.


    Returns Observable<OpenLoopFieldControlStatus>

  • Start OS command.

    This request will execute an OS command and return the result as a byte array.

    Motion Master will check if an OS command is already running and use a mutex to ensure only one OS command runs at a time.

    This request can fail if the requested OS command is not supported.

    Motion Master will check if the OS command has failed and return an error.

    The OS command can timeout if it takes longer than the provided timeout in milliseconds, in which case Motion Master will return an error.


    Returns Observable<OsCommandStatus>

  • Start signal generator.

    This request will start one of the signal generators based on the previously set parameters with setSignalGeneratorParameters.

    Signal generators are started by changing the mode of operation, putting the device into Operation enabled CiA402 state, and setting the target value. The mode of operation set depends on the type of signal generator and the selected controller:

    • For the simple & advanced step response and the sine wave, one of CSP, CSV, or CST is set.
    • For the ramp, trapezoidal, and bidirectional signal generators, also called profiles, one of the PP, PV, TQ is set.

    Currently, the only profile type that the firmware supports is the ramp profile. Motion Master uses this profile type to construct and run the following signals: ramp, trapezoidal, and bidirectional. Sine wave is also a profile, but it is currently being generated on Motion Master alone. Firmwares >=5.2 will support generating and running sine wave profiles on devices themselves. This will enable lossless profile execution on possibly higher frequencies. Future Motion Master versions will switch to this method.

    For the simple step response, Motion Master will only set the target value, wait for the specified holding duration, and then send a Quick Stop command.

    The advanced step response is similar to the simple one, but, after the holding duration, it will set the new target multiple times depending on the shape, and then send a Quick Stop if the repeat option is set to NO. If repeat is set to YES, then the signal generator will run indefinitely, and the users must stop it manually.

    Before running a profile, Motion Master will check if the device supports the profile modes by looking at 0x6502 Supported drive modes. If profile modes are not supported, then the profiles will be generated on Motion Master. This means the targets will be computed upfront. If profiles are supported, then the ramp, trapezoidal, and bidirectional signal generators are run in profile mode of operation. To prepare the signal generator for execution, Motion Master will set the following parameters:

    • 0x6081:00 Profile velocity (only for the position controller)
    • 0x6083:00 Profile acceleration
    • 0x6084:00 Profile deceleration Motion Master knows when the profile has completed by comparing the demand with the actual value, taking into account the holding duration and the shape of the profile. Once the profile is considered complete, Motion Master will send a Quick Stop, but only if repeat is set to NO.

    The sine wave profile is generated upfront on Motion Master. Targets are computed for each master cycle (millisecond). Once the last computed target has been set, Motion Master will send a Quick Stop if repeat is set to NO.

    For all signal generators, Motion Master will check the requested target against the currently set software position limits and, if necessary, alter it while returning a warning.

    This request will turn the motor.


    Returns Observable<SignalGeneratorStatus>

  • Start system identification.

    This request will run the system identification procedure, which identifies the plant model.

    Pre-conditions: a configured motor and configured encoders.

    The chirp signal that the procedure generates only uses the torque controller. The chirp signal is generated on Motion Master, and then, on every master cycle (1ms), the target torque value is set on a device. Motion Master will send a Quick Stop to a device after the last target value is set.

    The request can fail for multiple reasons: the device is in the fault state, cannot set the op mode state, or the system identification fails because not enough data points have been collected. While running the chirp signal, the data points are collected, but due to potential communication lag, it can happen that the master doesn't collect enough data points. If more than 80% of data points are missing, the procedure will fail. If between 20%-80% of data points are missing, only a warning will be returned. The exact thresholds are subject to change.

    Before computing the plant model data based on the collected data points, Motion Master will interpolate the missing data points. Plant model data is then computed and written to the plant_model.csv file on the device flash memory. The plant model file is later used to compute the PID values using computeAutoTuningGains and startFullAutoTuning. It's also used indirectly in startCoggingTorqueRecording when auto-config is turned on. Motion Master will also update the integral limit values in 0x2011: Velocity controller and 0x2012: Position controller during this procedure.

    In future versions of the firmware, the chirp signal would be executed on the devices themselves, so no data points will be missing, and the system identification will be able to run at higher frequencies and with higher precision.

    This request will turn the motor.


    Returns Observable<SystemIdentificationStatus>

  • Stop device.

    Motion Master will use the current value of the Controlword object and set the command on it to Quick stop. It will then wait for up to 2 seconds for a device to enter one of the following CiA402 states: Switch on disabled, Operation enabled, Fault. This is achieved by periodically checking the value of the Statusword object. If the device fails to enter one of those states within the specified time, Motion Master will return a timeout or a quick stop failed error.


    Returns Observable<DeviceStopStatus>

  • Transition to CiA402 state.

    This function will utilize the current value of the controlword and modify it to transition to the requested CiA402 state.

    Only one transition will occur, except when the current CiA402 state is SWITCH_ON_DISABLED. In this case, the first transition is from SOD to RTSO, and then from RTSO to the requested CiA402 state.

    The Statusword will be polled to check if the device has successfully transitioned to the requested CiA402 state. When transitioning to QSA, the Statusword will be checked against both QSA and SOD. This is necessary because the automatic transition from QSA to SOD can occur faster than the client's polling interval.


    Returns Promise<void>

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