Generates a homing procedure status object based on the provided operation status value.
The status is evaluated to determine the request status, which can be 'running', 'succeeded', or 'failed'.
During a meeting with Saša R., we concluded the following regarding the status codes:
000: running (Homing is in progress) - The Halt bit is 0, the Homing operation start bit is 1,
and the device is in the Operation Enabled state and Homing mode.
001: failed (Homing interrupted or not started) - Interruption occurs due to Quick Stop, for example.
Not started refers to the Homing mode being set, but the Homing operation start bit remains 0.
010: succeeded (Homing confirmed, target not yet reached) - This status occurs when the device restores
the Home Position upon loading the configuration (0x2005:02).
011: succeeded (Homing completed).
100: failed (Error detected, motor still turning) - The device does not stop automatically; it must be stopped by the master.
101: failed (Error during homing, motor at a standstill).
An object that represents the determined status of the homing procedure.
statusword: number
The statusword used to determine the homing procedure status.
Generates a homing procedure status object based on the provided operation status value. The status is evaluated to determine the request status, which can be 'running', 'succeeded', or 'failed'.
During a meeting with Saša R., we concluded the following regarding the status codes:
An object that represents the determined status of the homing procedure.