Function makeParameterId

  • Make parameter id by providing a tuple of index and subindex.


    if index or subindex are less than 0


    combined index and subindex in uppercase hexadecimal format, e.g. "0x60FE:02"


    • tuple: [undefined | null | number, undefined | null | number]

      an array of index and subindex

    Returns string

  • Make parameter id by providing an object which has index and subindex properties.


    if index or subindex are less than 0


    combined index and subindex in uppercase hexadecimal format, e.g. "0x60FE:02"


    • parameter: {
          index?: null | number;
          subindex?: null | number;

      an object with optional index and subindex properties

      • Optional index?: null | number
      • Optional subindex?: null | number

    Returns string

  • Make parameter id by providing index and subindex.


    if index or subindex are less than 0


    combined index and subindex in uppercase hexadecimal format, e.g. "0x60FE:02"


    • Optional index: null | number

      from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF for objects defined in ESI and >0xFFFF for custom object

    • Optional subindex: null | number

      defaults to 0 if not provided

    Returns string

  • Make parameter id by providing different arguments.

    The purpose of this declaration is to expose the signature of the implementation for makeDeviceParameterId function.


    if index or subindex are less than 0


    combined index and subindex in uppercase hexadecimal format, e.g. "0x60FE:02"


    • Optional a: null | number | [undefined | null | number, undefined | null | number] | {
          index?: null | number;
          subindex?: null | number;

      number or an object with index and subindex or tuple of index and subindex

    • Optional b: null | number

      optional subindex, defaults to 0 if not provided

    Returns string

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